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Thread: Impact Ares: Shadows of Prometheus

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Back in the USSR

    Default Re: Impact Ares: Shadows of Prometheus

    (Why haven't new posts been showing up in my Control Panel? Bloody vBulletin.)

    One of the prisoners in the back of the cell remains quiet through the whole ordeal. A thin man, probably quite tall when he's not slouched in the back of a prison cell. After the telekinetic assault, he laughs softly and speaks aloud. "Impressive, little Hopes." He stands up, as suspected, to a height of slightly over six feet, and stretches lazily, as if he had just awoken from a nap. The state of his short black hair reinforces the image. "Other divinities will be coming soon. Like a leaf on the wind, we must blow this joint. You are a doppel of Gangers, yes? We will escape together."
    Last edited by Nerd-o-rama; 2007-08-19 at 08:20 PM.

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