With the light conversation to pass the time, the rowing and paddling seemed more bearable then it had been before though it was far from enjoyable to people used to living in the city. The only thing that even seemed interesting was when the rowboat passed by a large wooden fort that Tristan and Xu identified as Fort Fendawor and it soon passed into the distance as night fell and the shifts changed once more to let the tired people rest after their ordeal. Luckily no hostile natives or creatures on the shore even seemed to take notice of the boat at night or during most of the following day.

All five of you give an almost audible sigh of relief when the phanaton tells you that your approaching Blood Bay and the rowing seemed less of a burden or a trial then it had before. Soon the waters around the boat began to turn a muddy sort of red that steadily turned a darker and darker red as you progress farther on your little boat ride until you entered into Blood Bay where the waters were crimson and drew steadily closer to the Cove itself when Lakaran gave a call of alarm. Even with Kraken's Cove close to a mile away it was still easy to see the ominous column of smoke that was rising into the air like a thick black oily finger. Haste seemed to be called for and the speed of the rowing increased as the five of you sped to the closest point to the cove to dock without going near the dangerous reefs they had heard about. Even the jungle where you beached was quiet and it was making Xu more then a little nervous. Where was all the hoots, clicks, shrieks, and buzzing that was the normal noise of the jungle?

Need a general formation to go by.