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Thread: Impact Ares: Winds of Pandora

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Impact Ares: Winds of Pandora

    ((OOC: I think something's wrong with your rolling code, it displays no result. Unless you want me to roll the dice for you?))

    Very slowly, and with great effort, Sasha's body slowly rises off the ground. She moves forwards slowly, edging off the floor, until she's completely suspended in the air, with the harsh drop directly below her.

    And then she begins to fall.

    With her power still buffeting her up from below, Sasha's fall is not as fast or as clumsy as Darren's, and is more akin to dropping through several stacked awnings. She hits the floor in a jumbled heap, but without enough force to do any real damage. She is able to get up with little more than a few bruises to remind her of the incident.
    Last edited by TamerBill; 2007-08-24 at 03:32 PM. Reason: Content, whoo!
    Quote Originally Posted by Helanna View Post
    This. This is the best thing that has ever happened in all 34 threads, ever. This has made every single second spent on Dominic Deegan not wasted time. Every time I stayed up to see the sneaky gate, every rage-filled post I've ever made, every time Mookie's writing has caused me physical pain - so, so worth it.