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Thread: Impact Ares: Winds of Pandora

  1. - Top - End - #128
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Twilight's Avatar

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    May 2005
    Academia -fabled land-

    Default Re: Impact Ares: Winds of Pandora

    Sasha blushes more deeply at Darren's response.

    She leans in a way that will relieve as much weight from his legs as possible; she isn't very strong but her balance is good, she uses that fact to her advantage. Say something intelligent Sasha...

    "You play cards? ... " Her voice is drowned out by the loud engine that has just landed next to them. She clamps her jaw shut as the plane turns into a sleek looking PT. Wha...It's like a hawk.
    Last edited by Twilight; 2007-08-29 at 11:41 PM.