Hmm, am i'm the only one who think that Erfworld lost a lot of interest during the last few updates?

1.) It was perfectly clear that the trap for Ansom would fail, because that would have ended the conflict.
There was no climax there.

2.) Parson -the Protagonist- lost much of his strategic-reputation.
Not that he failed in his trap attempt, no he vitaly crippeld his own forces by letting them open for counterattack. Just as he was showing some good strategic skills, making this Comic really interesting. His Situation was dire before it doesn't had to get more desperate..

It was a gamble and he didn't consult Wanda beforehand so he never asked her what Jillian would do in such a situation.. so he could only have guessed the outcome.
That is pretty weak for someone who is the only hope for Stanley.

Now he has no backup plans if his troops are getting killed. If it would have been that critical to lose the forces he should have done otherwise.

3.) If the Dwagons die the "game" is over. So either there will be a plot turn that will prevent that or an unkown ally will mysteriosly appear to save the day.

4.) Furthermore has the story shown us that Stanley is just plain stupid. How did he come to power? There is no hint how he could have pulled anything at all.

I must say Erfworld has gone down the drain since this whole "trap"-Thing startet.
The story now deconstructs Parson. He is no longer a good Strategist

He is just a normal guy. No Hero and no good Warlord.