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Thread: Erfworld 74, Page 68

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Erfworld 74, Page 68

    Anyone notice that she didnt say "Open the front door and the me at the warlords"?

    She said warlord, as in singular. Minor oversite by the authors, an indication while he left the wounded dwagons in one stack, he may not have left all the warlords in that stack? What if Parson left 2 warlords in with the ring dragons? In that scenario, he would have a seriously reduced Dwagon force, but he'd still have quite a few, and the warlords to continue the attack on the siege units.

    Nah, looking further back it seems there are indications that all 3 warlords are in that stack. Well, it will interesting to see how the story develops.
    Last edited by lazyT; 2007-08-30 at 08:37 PM.