Jillian's one doll, the other was Leeroy Jenkins.

One thing that strikes me about that statement is that Jillian's resolved her conflict by settling on a deathwish, and hopes her own death hurts Wanda. Note, by the way, that she says, "Whatever happens... one of your dolls is about to get broken." That doesn't mean she's looking to be uncroaked.

Parson is doubtlessly angry, but I don't think he's being irrational. Jillian's the warlord in the stack, the most important unit and now vulnerable to attack. The entire point of this and the last page is that Jillian is NOT an asset to Stanley's side. She's been a sort of double-agent, but has now firmly decided to side against them, making her doubly a threat. Finally, Parson's only hope to avoid being disbanded is to visibly do everything he can to recover from Wanda's mistake. If he's politically savvy, he may have to disassociate himself from Wanda, and in a hurry.