Yeah, I'm not really down with all the artistic criticism, but I do know what amuses me. For instance, I would not want to be quoted saying that Independence Day was a good movie. I actually made some fun of it when it came out, saying that I'd already seen it all before except it had been called the Star Wars Trilogy the first time. However, I can't deny that it is an exciting and entertaining movie, despite some of the blatantly improbable events and the naked patriotic feelgood message. I just saw the tail end of it again the other night and found myself really enjoying it, despite still seeing the direct parallels to The Trilogy. So, nothing new there except the players and set, but the story was still fun. Sometimes I just go see movies or read books or watch shows just to be entertained, not necessarily challenged intellectually or artistically. Maybe that's a failing. An ex of mine once observed that I'm easily amused. I'll never know if she meant it as a complement or an insult.