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Thread: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire

  1. - Top - End - #926
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Almonte, ON, Canada

    Default Re: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire

    I think one thing we have to realize is that, while it most likely WASN'T the best thing for Luna to do, creating an illusion and emotionally scarring him... she only had about 2 seconds to decide what to do. She ran in the room, not knowing what Milov would be like until she saw him, and made a split-second decision. She probably thought:

    "Milov's in a maniacal rage! Only Jayden would be able to calm him down!"

    "Wait. He might kill her. That would be bad."

    "I'll send in an illusion. If he calms down, great, if not, Jayden will be fine.

    She's only human. She probably had some sort of stasis spell for Milov or protective spell for Dom which would have worked much better, but she didn't think of those. We've all made mistakes. Or maybe those take longer to cast than an illusion.

    I also found Dom's smug, all-knowing relpy to the illusion really weak too (he actually had the composure to search for and grab his stick, use it to stand up, and stand there like nothing happened to him? C'mon.) but I think if we showed him at the end of the strip panting wildly and saying "Oh God. Oh God. Help me, Mommy." It would have detracted from the seriousness even more than Jayden's joke did. Then it would look weak becuase we wouldn't see Jayden's reaction to her being "killed," or he'd have to fit that better into the next strip, thigns would be muddled, yadda yadda yadda.

    Mookie probably sees all of these little descrepancies (sp?) but I think he just doesn't plan that far ahead to work everything out and have everything work smoothly, especially with this 7-day-a-week schedule. I think the best thing for this strip might be to move it into a 3/4-day-schedule. That way he would have another day to think about his strip, plan ahead, see whether some jokes would make sense in the current situation or not. He probably planned TODAY'S strip, with the odd apologise priorities, in advance, but came up with the illusion thing after that. Given more time he might have changed today's strip to feature that. I dunno. I could be wrong.

    I think I just made about 15 enemies with my post. I'm gonna run away now.
    Last edited by The Linker; 2007-09-20 at 04:57 PM.