Quote Originally Posted by Drglenn View Post
Durkon's Alignment
Hilgya's domains are Chaos and Fire which would make her alignment either chaotic or neutral (god's alignment is chaotic to have chaos domain, clerics must be within one step of their deity's alignment), which would make his lawful or neutral by way of opposites
Leeky Windstaff is Neural Evil so that makes Durkon Neutral Good and Hilgya also Neutral Evil
Actually, to take an alignment domain, you must match that alignment. (Under Deities, Domains, and Domain Spells on page 32 of the PHB.) But I don't see anything in that particular comic that demands Hilgya has the Chaos Domain, just Fire. Maybe if you'd clarify that...?

And opposites don't need to be completely opposite, so Hilgya does nto need to be Chaotic Evil (since Durkon is Lawful Good). Just opposite in some important ways and alike in others. Hilgya and Durkon are the same race, for instance, while Haley and Sabine are different races. Haley is Chaotic Good, but Sabine is Chaotic Evil.