OOC: Moving on now.

IC: Eranti moves in for the kill, but his short stride does not allow him to make it across the whole clearing. He still stands some 20 odd feet from their last assailant.

When Nevar shouts at the man, he seems to be taken aback a bit. Either that, or the fact that his comrade-in-arms is not in the best of shape. He turns and runs, but not out of the clearing. He dashes underneath the tarp and starts scrambling around for something amongst the obviously stolen loot assembled therein.

Canran knocks another arrow, but his view is obscured by a crate. This arrow sails a bit too low, and thuds dully into the soft wood.

Zadreck bounds across the clearing with the intent to bring about the demise of the bandit. His intent notwithstanding, the bandit deftly avoids his clumsy swing.