Round 11


You let out a grunt and smack the bowman with your warhammer again, square in the chest. Your blow sends him flying backwards a few feet, where he crumples in a heap.

The remaining bandit takes another swing at you, clearly dismayed at watching his companion felled so quickly. His blow doesn't have much heart in it, and you deflect it effortlessly off your shield. You sure did quick work on his cocky attitude!


You rip your bloody dagger out of Arbalest's chest, sending a gout of it flying in a neat arc as you spin to confront the bandit coming from behind. Moving much faster then your foe, you swipe a deep gash across his chest, stopping him in his tracks as he tries to avoid the worst of the damage. He sucks his gut in as he stops, causing your swipe with your second dagger to miss him by a millimeter.

Off-balance from his dodge of your second dagger, he swings clumsily at your head with his longsword, which you easily duck.


Feeling slightly annoyed that your first blast of flame didn't kill this guy in his tracks, you again spread your fingers and send flames rolling toward him. You engulf his head in flames, and after a briefest of gurgling screams, he falls to the ground, the smell of charred flesh filling the air. You think to yourself, Boy, I love the smell of mage fire in the morning. This is followed suddenly by the feeling that you are guilty of nearly uttering a terrible cliche. You sure hope no one is reading your thoughts right now. You blush slightly.


Brain goo from your first opponent runs down the haft of your mace. Your normal response would be a loud "Ick", but in the frenzy of battle you don't notice. You spin about, and seeing Coignar in trouble begin to charge. Unfortunately the aforementioned brain goo makes your mace slick in your hands, and it goes flying to the ground at your feet before you can whack the guy. The thought that goes through your head at this turn of events wouldn't make it past the forums profanity filters.

Unfortunately for you, the bandit with the bolt sticking out of his shoulder thinks the empty-handed girl is way too tempting of a target. He gives you a leering sneer then swings his sword at you, nicking your shoulder.


-3 hps

If you want to pick up your weapon next turn, the nearest bandit will get an attack of opportunity in addition to rolling for his next turn.


You throw your crossbow down and whip your dagger out of its sheath, sticking it to the same bandit you just shot. You manage to score a small nick on him.

The bandit that didn't turn to confront Cilene takes another swing at you, missing almost comically as his sword whiffs through the air above your head.

Updated Combat Map