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Thread: Minos: Dark Times [IC]

  1. - Top - End - #90
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Michigan, USA

    Default Re: Minos: Dark Times [IC]

    Round 13

    The one remaining bandit begins to panic. Suddenly the bolt from Coignar lodges itself in his side, and he turns with a hoarse scream and tries to run. A split second later Drugrin's hammer comes down on his skull. The bandit drops like a rock.

    As the adrenalin cools off, everyone starts cleaning weapons and milling about.


    As you push Arbalest over on to his back to search him you realize that he's still got a bit of life in him, though he is rapidly bleeding to death. He's unconscious, and you figure he'll be dead completely any time now, if he doesn't get help.


    Experience: There were 7 level 2 fighters and 1 level 3 fighter. That's 5000 total exp divided by five of you. For those of you disinclined to math, everyone gets 1000 exp. :)

    Most of the bandits have purses with coins in them. Arbalest however, has two gem stones in addition to some coins. Total: 400 gold, 900 copper, 2 gems. Evenly distributed, everyone gets 80 gold and 180 copper. The two gems go to the party, and you can have them appraised in a city if you want. Since Kellin was the first to Arbalest, put them in his inventory for now.

    Furthermore, there's a 10% chance each bandit had a minor magic item on him! A roll of 91-100 means one was found. I'll post again with details if you guys get one. Without further ado, here are the rolls:


    Last edited by Berand; 2007-09-26 at 05:43 PM.