She will find that neither is going to budge.
Except that there are no legal charges. You try to arrest me without a crime having been commited. It was fully in my rights to flee the city limits, where you attacked me and my friends and I defended myself. As this was out of the limits, I had yet to commit a crime. Then your whore friend tries to arrest me, again without crimes. When i refuse to go on the basis of there being no valid charges, and her being a bitch, she blasts off my arm and my leg, then tries to stab me when I try to drink a potion to heal it. I reacted in self-defence in the form of disabling her. Had I tried to kill her, she'd be dead right now. I have no valid charges against me, and she has once again tried to use lethal force to bring me in on nonexistent charges, and my friend defended me. That means that he hasn;t commited a crime either.