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Thread: Winding Roads

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Winding Roads

    "We are not allowed to kill any of them? I approve of the concept and thoughts behind that but I have some reservations. I've been in a couple of battles before you know and one thing I do know is that in the midst of battle it's hard to know accurately how much force is required. When someone is coming at you with a dagger and the intention to gut you...well speaking for myself, I'll take them down easy if I can, but if outnumbered... well I won't pull any punches that's for sure." he says.

    So what do they look like?

    [ooc] Cog, not sure if you use reputations but would we have heard of some of these people? [ooc]
    Last edited by Jagg; 2007-10-04 at 05:08 PM.
    Jondar in Winding Roads