
Canran knows as little as anyone else about the woods, but is happy to make camp and get some sleep. As he makes his own bedroll, Canran counts the watches. "Does that mean I don't have to take a watch?" he asks. "I can see when it's dark, so I'm okay to take a night-time watch."

Regardless of his watch schedule, Canran will arise about halfway between dusk and dawn and step a short distance away from camp to sit crosslegged, watching the moon. Placing his longbow on the ground in front of him, he draws an arc in the dirt, completing the circle started by his bow. For about an hour the goblin sits crosslegged in the center of the circle, looking at the moon, until finally he stands stiffly, stretching his legs, and wipes the circle away. Taking his bow, he curls up in his bedroll, asleep once more.