Jacinth labors to push one of the heavy cabinets over to the door, but his strength alone is unequal to the task.

Zombies: In the kitchen, the zombie crawling through the broken window finishes crawling through and falls to the floor, then staggers to its feet. There is more pounding on the door, which is causes the hinges and lock to split even more. One more round of such punishment, and the door may well break down.
Out front, the zombies are starting to converge on Templar and Gronth. Two are attacking Gronth, while the other two attack Templar. Shambling in the shadows makes you believe more may step out soon.
Zombie1 (Attacking Gronth)
Zombie2 (Attacking Gronth)
Zombie3 (Attacking Templar)
Zombie4 (Attacking Templar)

Templar moves over to stand by Gronth, provoking an AoO from a zombie. His sword strikes true on one of the zombies, cutting through flesh with a sickening splortch.

Fetch joins in pushing the cabnet, but still little progress is made.

Kalinar fires a crossbow bolt at the zombie still coming through the window. The bolt sinks into its chest, but the zombie is unfazed.

Gronth takes advantage of Templar's help, cleaving through the weakened zombie's ribcage and into the next. The Zombie1 hits the floor like a sack of wet cement. (OOC: I accidently used the wrong modifier for the zombies damage. Gronth has 2 more hitpoints than we thought.)

Finaly, with Hector's help, the cabinet finaly begins to move. Another round of pushing should get the cabnet in front of the door.