After some light-hearted sparring outside, the rest of the group catches up to Marcus, Pel, and El and heads off to this alchemist's shop.

As the shop is in the same district as the inn, it is not long before you arrive at your destination. It is a bit confusing however, as the sign out front only has a simple cauldron depicted on it, not some fancy symbol with the elements.

Wil however is adament about this being the place, and not before long is absolutely sure of it, as he tells the group that the current sign is a simple illusion meant to disguise true forms.

As you all enter the shop, the smells of the place assail the non-arcane of you. So many ingredients with putrid odors in one place is usually too much for any one, but you all tough through it quite easily.

Inside, 3 walls are lined with desks, with those lined with the smelly ingredients. The back wall has a bigger desk, with what looks like finished products on the top and in drawers.

A simple human wearing average garb comes out from behind a curtain, blackened from head to toe in soot. He greets you like friends, and asks your wishes.

*Come in come in. Take a look around. We have everything anyone might need, right here, in the Cauldron.*