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Thread: Solaria (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Re: Solaria (IC)

    I thank you for that.

    I know of much, and perhaps you will take some of that knowledge as payment. It is too soon to tell that kind of thing. Perhaps we will speak more in depth when you get back.

    Tyerdius motions for the twins to get up, and excuse themselves. He himself then bows to the group.

    *I myself am tired and must rest. Feel free to stay the night if you like, you may each take a room in the West wing. My actual servants will guide you if you just ring this bell here.

    You may also use the back door that leads out. Well, I shouldn't say out, but it is a nice ruse to think this is an actual house. It will lead you to the Astral Plane, where you may go wherever you need. It is sad that it is a one-way portal, though.

    Of course you can always go back out the front door, back to Mysticae. You will find that the door leading back upstairs is now unlocked.

    Indeed, good luck to you all. I will have a servant bring down your advance shortly. Feel free to partake of anything on this table. If you need more, again, just ring the bell.*

    With that, Tyerdius heads up the grand stair case, seemingly off to his bedchamber.
    Last edited by Bronz; 2007-10-15 at 11:15 PM.