An Eerie Morning on-board the Tornado:
Jondalar is the first to awake one morning. No-one is on-deck.

Captain Allie usually has a morning routine and doesn't step on the deck until 7am, but a first officer was usually given a night off {like now since there is enough crew}, for he had to have things ready for the morning at 6am with his morning crew. He will be alone, and he will see sleepy teen, young Ragles, climbing up from the lower hold heading toward the kitchen to help Olmeric cook breakfast.

He has the same surprised look as Jondalar as he notices that no-one is on the deck. It is as if the deck was left unguarded. The command deck even seems in disarray, the sails are slack, and the ship is drifting. Jondalar will have to do a quick reading of the night sky to determine that you are a couple miles off course.

{OOC- This particular evening had no PCs in the watch rotation. Jondalar can quickly wake the others {PC included} with help as the morning crew wakes up, and begins to try and recover the drifting ship.}