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Thread: Minos: Dark Times [IC]

  1. - Top - End - #303
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Michigan, USA

    Default Re: Minos: Dark Times [IC]

    Round 45

    The group sets out with Coignar "volunteered" to scout in the front. Durgrin casts a spell to help him stay sharp, and everyone remains on their toes. As you walk along, following the clearly-visible trail through the woods, Kiera looks thoughtful.

    "I must admit I know very little about giants. They rarely come out of Batterstone Mountain, and rarely have any contact with humans. We know they're there, because they've been sighted by various hunters and scouts, but they usually disappear in to the rocky wilderness as soon as they realize humans are about. Maybe they're shy." She chuckles at the thought of a shy giant.

    Less than two hours in, all your alertness pays off. Because you know, giants are very stealthy. In this case Coignar motions for silence, and points through the trees up ahead. You hear the sound of running water, perhaps a small stream. It looks like there's a clearing up ahead - at least it looks that way through the tree line. The group inches forward slowly, eyes locked on the clearing, watching for movement. The trail bends to the left a bit, leaving a relatively thin screen of trees between you and the clearing. Everyone stops and looks for any sign of danger.

    It's a nice little clearing from what you can see, covered in a blanket of fresh spring wildflowers and tall grass. Cattails rise up around a little creek less then 100 feet away which gurgles as it flows around some large rocks, dropping over miniature waterfalls as it winds its way south. There is one particularly huge stone next to the stream.

    Durgrin rubs his magically-enhanced eyes for a second, and blinks a few times. Maybe... maybe that's not a rock...

    A massive sighing sound suddenly fills the clearing, as the huge boulder shifts about. It is now clearly a massive humanoid figure, well over 12 feet tall. It has gray, rocky-looking skin and a gaunt appearance. At least gaunt relative to its size. You guess it easily weighs a ton. The creature is sitting on a rock right now, holding another rock in its hands and staring at it. Though no blood is present, it appears to be wounded judging by the long gash down its back. It sighs again, with the sound of rocks grating together. If it were human, you would swear it was sad.

    It hasn't noticed you yet, even with the dwarves clanking along.


    Last edited by Berand; 2007-10-24 at 10:14 PM.