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Thread: Minos: Dark Times [IC]

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Minos: Dark Times [IC]


    Gesturing as quietly as he can in 50lbs of armor, Ruhidr motions for the others to remain where they are before creeping ever so slightly forward. Briefly closing his eyes, he mouths a silent prayer before opening them again to see what Kiri-Jolith will reveal to his eyes.


    So... Detect Evil. I get close enough to use it (should only need to move a single space, I think). If I detect the presence of evil, I'm going to stay up to 3 rounds to make sure that creature is what I'm detecting as evil. After that, I'll report back to the group; the Captain in particular. If, after the first round, I detect no evil... I'll report straight back to the Captain.

    This is all assuming, of course, that nothing happens in the meantime :P I reserve the right to post again in case anything happens that would interrupt or make this process fruitless ;) Just trying to be efficient.

    EDIT: Okay, so, this is the only change I'm adding (this EDIT note), so... here's the new info. If I'm still within the trees/cover, as I would be according to the map, I can keep concentrating on the ... thing, trying to determine if it's evil. If Ruhidr could roll his eyes without breaking his concentration, he certainly would. And then he'd find a tavern, get a tankard, and throw the tankard at Cilene. Sorry, Mags :P If Ruhidr's NOT within the tree cover, he tries to look as casual and friendly as possible while focusing on the Big Stone Biped.
    Last edited by demonllama; 2007-10-24 at 10:44 PM.