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Thread: Sauron vs Voldemort

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    EvilElitest's Avatar

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    Default Re: Sauron vs Voldemort

    Quote Originally Posted by multilis View Post
    "if we get a chance, you and me'll slip off and set up somewheres on our wan with a few trusty lads... no big bosses" - Gorbag, TTT->The choices of master samwise.
    But this is just dissenction, not out right tratiors, such that Voldemort faced, Snape, Malfoy, among others.
    ROTK, the Tower of Cirith Ungol -> Frodo escapes because certain orcs value a mirthil coat over the orders of Sauron, triggering a fight.
    Not all of them betray him, Shagrat stays loyal. And they infight, but don't direclty fight him. True thoug, their is a lot of infighting in this clan.
    Later, RTOK The Land of Shadow, Frodo after seeing his orc/goblin trackers turn on each other explains to Sam "But that IS the spirit of Mordor, and it has spread to every corner of it. Orcs have always behaved like that...[but] hate us far more. If these two had seen us they would have dropped their quarrel..
    The trackers couldn't find them, so they fought. That are slightly more compatent when they have an enemy to fight

    And of course we must consider how fair Saruman was helping the orcs return to the good side, they started to not mind day.
    What, are you talking about Uruk-hai? Sauron made them first.

    (Disliking day is a sign of evil creatures according to Treebeard). Even orcs from Mordor were trying to learn about friendship with all races and join with Sarumans orcs on a mission to invite hobbits over for a friendship party. Unfortunately the first two hobbits and human they met were rude and starting hacking off orc arms and legs, then all nastiness broke loose as the orcs forcesfully tried to bring then to Saruman to show them about peace (orcs hadn't lost all their evil ways yet, Saruman could only work so fast). Some of this history has been distorted by the orc haters.
    I really am having trouble understand you, are you refering to Saruman's doubous loyalty.
    Saruman however has far more to gain from serving Sauron to Voldermort, unless Voldemort can offer him something to be worth the extremly high risk of death. On that subject, Dementors would most likely switch to Sauron, less risk, more guys to drain. If Sauron has to sacerfice five thousand orcs for a thousand dementors, seems like a fair trade

    The Atlas of Middle-earth says that 11250 fought against at least 45000 orcs, Haradrim etc. on the fields of the Pelennor.

    I don't think we are ever told how many orcs still were left in Mordor, because simply nobody could know for sure.

    At the Morannon about 60,000 fought against an unknown, but vast number of enemies.

    In the Lord of the Rings movies guide, Weapons and Warfare it says that the orc numbers at Pelonor fields is 300,000 with 500,000 at the black gate.
    Last edited by EvilElitest; 2007-10-25 at 10:26 PM.