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Thread: Sauron vs Voldemort

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sauron vs Voldemort

    A big disadvantage that the Death Eaters would have is that they can only use reaction-based magic. There are a very, very few number of times in HP when a wizard casts a defensive spell that lasts more than a couple of minutes. Almost all of their combat spells have short but devastating effects and nearly none has prolonged use. Their defensive abilities are next to nill unless they can see the threat coming.

    Seriously, if anyone was going to have specific items or spells that could protect them from a certain spell or situation it would be a Death Eater, yet they only protect themselves when they are able to react to danger and repeatedly get their asses handed to them by everyone that doesn't immediately announce themselves. A Death Eater is a formidable foe, but only if he doesn't notice you sneaking up behind him with a pool cue.

    Sure they are nigh invulnerable against a single orc, but a whole army of them, that are shooting thousands of arrows at thm while charging with tens if thousands at the same time is way beyond the capabilities of even all of the Death Eaters put together.

    Let's say that a group of Death Eaters have been attacking Sauron's supply lines for several weeks. Orcs (not to mention uruk-hai, ring-wraiths and the eye itself) are clever enough to lay a trap and could easily guage the distance that the Death Eaters commonly attack from (and in a prolonged campaign their leaders would at least be smart enough to begin noticing the effects and limitations of their spells), and set skirmish archers to hide and shadow the lines from a distance further than the Death Eaters range.

    Since DEs are notoriously arrogant, the first time the orcs did this odds are that they wouldn't even think of looking for ambush units, just the regular sentries. Since the ambush orcs probably wouldn't attack until the Death Eaters were busy attacking the lines they would be able to surprise them.

    Surprised HP wizard = Screwed HP wizard

    Wizards lose a few of their own to crude but remarkably effective arrows, and some probably turn to Sauron's side while the rest become paranoid and craven. Anyone that stays and fights quickly finds themselves mobbed by orcs and with no easily controllable wide-range spells they quickly get taken down.

    These wizards are for the most part concerned with immediate power and prestige. Facing an enemy that continually adapts to their attacks and does not noticibly diminish in size will constantly make them question the war. Voldemort would probably kill any that questioned his orders in a fit of infantile rage and diminish his forces and their loyalty even more.

    Voldemort and his Death Eaters did take over the Ministry and had a pretty good run of keeping Britain's wizards under control, but most of it was based off of fear and the thought that Voldemort would personally kill them if they stepped out of line. Orcs can be made to fear men but they have feared and veneratedthe Eye for millenia and have already seen considerable gains from following Sauron. As soon as Voldemorts plans start going to the ****ter anyone who is not pathologically loyal to him will have second thoughts. If the Eye's plans go to ****, he makes the orcs, goblins and uruk-hai breed more and sends them in yet again to suicidily seek the destruction of his enemies.

    Orcs, goblins and uruk-hai love battle. Death Eaters do not.
    Last edited by Darkantra; 2007-10-27 at 02:12 AM.
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