Quote Originally Posted by Wender View Post
I think Team Stanley still has a ghost of a chance.

If Stanley croaks Ansom and takes the 'pliers, and; if a significant number of dwagons remain from the attempt, and; if Ansom really is the glue that holds the coalition together, and; if the marbits attack anyway but run into trouble in the tunnels and decide they're not going to be fodder... then the Alliance might implode, and the Archons' contract might be terminated. What remains? Basically, Jillian, Webinar and Webinar's girlfriend and whatever forces stick around. And Webinar will be right in her face about betraying Ansom.
I think you are a little extreme in how much Team GK needs to win. Taking out the leadership corps above the lake might be enough to shatter the alliance; whether or not the dwagons survive or the marbits wise up is irrelevant.

Even if the Grand Toolbah fails utterly and all the dwagons die, if Parson can take out he siege I think GK would win. I think Sizemore will be instrumental in this, either in

Basically, Ansom's plan relies on a breach in the walls. Take that away and he either has to

1) shuttle a few troops over the wall on flying units each turn, or
2) enter through the tunnels.

1 would be disastrous, as the GK forces would be able to swarm the few units airlifted in with ease. Repeat Ad nauseum.

2 would be almost as bad; remember they have no clue about the second gobwin infantry or their huge bonuses to fight in tunnels. They don't know about the crap golems. They don't have a map of the tunnels (and Jillian will run into some problems here when she can't reverse her route). They don't know about the 'tricks' that Sizemore put in place. The tunnels are going to be meat grinder.

Basically, take out the siege and the 25:1 numbers mean nothing anymore. A good defensive position like GK levels the odds considerably. Ansom's "four times" the army he needs is all predicated on breaching the walls. Take that away from him and he's up boop creek without a paddle.

In traditional medieval warfare a siege was typically used to starve out your opponent by cutting off their supplies. That doesn't work in Erfworld (as suppiles come from the city, not from the surrounding countryside).