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Thread: Impact Ares: Winds of Pandora

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Impact Ares: Winds of Pandora

    Darren Sirion

    Starting to get a little nervous about this whole "mission", Darren shifts his weight back and forth between feet with his arms folded in front of him. He raps his fingers upon his left arm and looks vacantly out across the hanger.

    "Hopefully they tucked away some parachutes to go along with those rifles, then. Maybe the abridged version of "Skydivin' for Dummies" while they're at it would be nice, aye?"

    A slightly comforting (but moreso amusing) thought manages to put a stop to his anxious mannerisms at least - even brings a grimace to his face. May be as dangerous as bein' back in my cell, but good money says this's more interestin'. "Still, sounds more fun than bein' slaves to a librarian, or dirt-farmer or somethin'. Not everyday it's in your cards to leap out of an airplane."
    Last edited by TheGreatJabu; 2007-11-01 at 08:18 AM.
    "This man wishes to be accorded the same privilege as a sponge!" - Henry Drummond, Inherit the Wind