Livina Lightfoot
Hearing the diminutive woman's taunt echo down the stairwell, Livina looks at Krashnix.
"I think she's trying to distract it! C'mon!"
Drawing forth Dravens mace with a grunt, she vaults up the stairs.
Crap crap crap. Gotta see if I can get Krashnix and the mule out, at least. That thing looks slow...we can probably outrun it. Aaand...if we can lure it into a swamp, it'll probably sink like a stone. Okay.
Cresting the top of the stairs, Livina blanches a little at the bronze giant towering over her, but she strikes out with the mace anyways, taking advantage of Kizima's distraction.
"Move!" she calls down the stairs.

Attack - (1d20+11)[15] (not including any enhancement bonuses)
Damage - (1d8+3)[8] (not including any enhancement bonuses/magic effects)