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Thread: The Rod of the Seven Parts - IC

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Feb 2007

    Default Re: The Rod of the Seven Parts - IC

    The unicorn helals the wounded mercenaries quickly before bowing slightly towards Otho. A few moments later it disappears.

    You might have wondered who the Deneith leader might be as they are all wearing identical outfits down to the boots.
    While the unicorn was healing the wounded, the rightmost mercenary stepped forward.

    "Thank you," he begins in a deep baritone that doesn't seem to be confused at all about the current situation.
    "It seems that my men and I sprung a quite well-hidden trap that left us under the command of this ghost. I guess you are the reinforcements? I think I have seen most of you before... Nevermind. Shall we advance together or do you prefer to return to the camp."
    The leader's calm voice is somewhat unsettling under these circumstances but the other mercenaries don't seem to think the same; they are now standing in two rows, waiting for orders.

    In the meantime Angel closely examines the spot where the ghost hovered only moments before, but besides the usual residue of slain evil there is nothing to be detected.
    Last edited by Cogito; 2007-11-07 at 05:18 PM.
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