You flap your wings to fly, and within moments your are hovering quite steadily about a foot or two above the ground. Once you 'take off' - as it were - flying doesn't seem so hard. You don't even have to think about flapping your wings - they just keep you up in the air. They beat slowly - quite frankly you're not sure how they're keeping you aloft - but in perfect time, almost four seconds per 'flap'.

It quite surprising how quickly you climb into the air. When you devote your mind to it - when you decide to push yourself - and you have, it seems - the world becomes a blur around you, and within a few seconds you are quite high - higher, you think, than you've ever been, except for in a plane. It's dizzying how quickly you got here, but what's even more dizzying is that you're still climbing at an amazing speed.