Another sudden vibration quickly increases into a true earthquake, sending delicate glass alchemical insruments crashing on the floor, toppling tables and cabinets, opening yet more cracks in the floor and walls and threatening to send you too prone to the ground. Pieces of stone fall off the ceiling and shatter yet more of the tables and small labs.

The earthquake subsides-but the reminder that a battle is going on outside and that the building might collapse at any moment does not. It would seem you dont have the time to search here anymore-nor sit and read spellbooks and lab notes. The positive side is that the weakness from the Keeper of the Dead you fought below has faded considerably and your wounds are long gone.


Sorry for the delay-I didn't have internet access the past week. Anyway, grab everything you can and sort it later. It has been more than 1 hour since you fought the Keeper so your initial strength penalty has dropped by a total of 8.