
With the immediate threat out of the way, 4N takes a few moments to examine Dross and Byalid. The Twi'lek is badly wounded, but still stable; the small alien is dead. It is not an occurence calculated to make the droid at all inclined to extend the hand of friendship to the owners of the ranch. He currently has no data on treating humanoid wounds, unfortunately; comlinking the medical bay, he informs Caeda that Mr. Dross had been injured and would be in need of medical treatment for some time.

He heads back down the ramp in time to hear the latest words. "Given that your managers just attempted to have us eliminated on little provocation and relented only when their security forces proved inadequate to the task, I rather think not," he says pointedly, although the message is wasted on the droid. Despicably servile; many protocol droids were. "We will require more assurance than that that your employers aren't simply going to try to have us removed again."

"As a token of their good will, one of them will come down here, and then we will proceed to the Sun Room. Is that understood?"