The speeder continues it approach until it is about 50 meters away, then it slows dramatically and steers around the various fences, and such. It eventually stops about 10 meters away. The speeder is really a low altitude air car without any visible weapons or other armament.

The driver, a female Ortolan, hops out into a strange sort of pose which kind of shows off certain sections of her anatomy. The effect is no doubt visually stunning for other Ortolan, but does little for Humans or Gotal. She struts towards the group and after a final twist which sends her ears flapping and her snout flailing, she stops, one hand on her hip. She wears a finely made dress which is just barely a business type of outfit and nearly a nightclub type outfit.

She winks at the Gotal and says to him in a deep voice, "Well, hello there ... captain. I'm told that you'd like to take a ride with me." She turns away from the group and then glances back over her shoulder at Partak and says, "Shall we?" She winks again and starts strutting her stuff as she waddles back towards the speeder.