When 3D-4N speaks the woman is caught off guard, turns and glares at it. She then says to Jon, "We have extra restraining bolts... if you need one."

As Partak climbs in she says, "It does bring up a good point which I'm sure Mr. Della will be quick to clarify. The supervisor droid translated your Imperial Entanglement phrase into Ortolanian for our ease of communication. The words translated to grand embarrassment. They thought you were using some strange off-world cultural reference to honor. It wasn't till the shooting started that Mr. Della's son spoke up that a mis-translation had occurred." She starts the vehicle moving forward in a slow and cautious manner. She maneuvers the vehicle around some close obstacles and then guns it.

The vehicle quickly accelerates to fairly obscene velocities. After just a few moments she turns hard to port and slams the breaks to bring the vehicle to a stop outside of a glass enclosed solarium. She reaches over, squeezes Jon's leg and then opens her door. As she climbs out, she adds, "Here we are."