



Saving Throws:Fortitude:+11 Reflex:+8 Will:+2

[ooc] How's the first guard looking? He's been hit twice by me and once by Blaze, Does he look hale and hearty, on his last legs, preparing to look death in the face? If he looks played out I will switch my attack to the second guard. If he still looks tough enough I'll smack him again - I'm trying not to kill people.[/ooc]

First attack
Attack guard (depending upon above answer) attack (d20+12)[31] damage (d8+6)[8] flame (4d6)[18]

Attack same guard attack (d20+7)[22] damage (d8+6)[10] flame (4d6)[16]

If either guard goes down I will switch my attack to the other. If both go down and I still have an action I will do a scorching ray at the archer.