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Thread: The Storm <Team Two>

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Kyeudo's Avatar

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    May 2007
    Draper, Utah

    Default The Storm <Team Two>

    The blazing sun beats down upon the scorched surface of Perun as you cross the courtyard of Redrock Keep. The building's high red sandstone walls provide some shade, but the heat is oppressive. The guards on duty at the central tower have been waiting on your arrival and quickly escort you to the great hall where Sir Allec the Red and several of his liutenents are gathered around a large table at the far end of the room, studying the maps laid out across its polished wooden surface. As you enter the great vaulted space, the skarrn warrior straightens and turns to face you.

    "Finaly you are here. I have much work for you to do, and not much time to explain. Please, come closer." He says in firm but pleasant tones.

    As you cross the room, you cannot help but notice the rich decorations of the hall, with finely decorated tapestries decorating the stone walls and the mounted heads of hunting trophies hanging above each of the large arched windows, every one a dangerous animal. Amoung the ones you recognize are the heads of Giant Eagles, Manticores, and a Displacer Beast.

    When you reach the table, several of the liutenents move to give you a clear view of the maps spread out upon the table. "The mission I have for you is one of great strategic importance. As you know, I oppose Carmein Del'thur, the sorcerer who slew the rightful king of this land and usurped the throne with the help of several tribes of desert nomads. Carmein's forces have consolidated their control of the White Desert and are working to invade the Rimward Mountains and the surrounding badlands."

    "Currently, my men and the few nomad tribes who are allied with us have been successful in keeping Carmein's men from invading and we are at something of a stalemate, but we have reason to believe that Carmein has entered into negotiations with a dragon, intending to use it's power to break the stalemate."

    Sir Allec points to the map in front of you. "This is Blackrock Spire, located in the midst of the Needles and several days inside the White Desert. It is rumored that a blue dragon of great age lairs here within the Spire, but the dragon has only been seldom seen over the years, so we do not know if it is still in residence or even alive. Neverless, tribesmen loyal to Carmien have been seen frequenting the Needles. I have dispatched several teams of scouts to see what is in the area, but none have ever managed to return and report."

    "This time, I have sent several of the desert tribesmen instead of my own scouts. They know the land better than my own men and should have been able to make it to the Needles and observe the actions of Carmien's men. This is where you come in. Your mission is to make your way to the Needles as quickly and secretly as possible and escort the tribesmen out of the Desert."

    "However, an army of Carmien's forces has made another attempt to invade, and so we have been forced to have one of the allied tribes head them off before they can set up a foothold in the mountains. This may make your job more difficult as the shortest path to the Needles runs right through where the two armies are expected to meet. Any questions?"
    Last edited by Kyeudo; 2008-05-02 at 02:31 AM.