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Thread: Alchemists - Game Thread

  1. - Top - End - #520
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Alchemists - Game Thread

    ((You know, I'm kind of excited about the next update. When I was still alive, I kept asking Sloth to scry CurlyKitGirl and Masato, but she did Banjo1985, Freshmeat and Lord Iames Osari instead. I actually thought Curly was one of Greed's Chimera, but I guess I was wrong. Oh well.))

    ((Now I'm kind of excited to see what Masato will be when you lynch him! I know he's not one of the Homonculi, because Sloth and I figured out pretty well who was on our team early on. My money's on Alchemist; your hunches so far have been dead wrong pretty much every time. But he might be the Butcher as well, because we never figured out who that was. Well, at least he won't be coming back to kill me, 'cuz I'm dead! Thanks a bunch, you guys! ))
    Last edited by FoE; 2007-11-30 at 04:37 PM.