
Before getting to the library, his cell starts ringing. He wasn't expecting any calls and, if this was Judy, he would make sure she would only discuss this in person; it's too easy to trace said calls and it was nowhere near time to tip his hand.

"You've got Alex...Yes, good afternoon, Mrs. Smethfield, is there a problem at the office?...Did he leave a number?...Uh, huh...Well, thank you for forwarding this to me; expect a little something extra in your paycheck."

Hanging up, he thought for a moment. So, the rumors are true. This boorish creature wishes to open a mutant club. Well, now it's time to make my move. I will have to make sure I can acquire controlling stake in this venture. Let us begin.

Alex dialed up the number that had been left. "Good afternoon, is this the number where I can reach "The Man...busy, well this is Alex Catham and I'd like to set up an appointment to discuss this investment he is looking he free at 5pm this evening?...Uh, huh...tell him to meet me at Frank's on the east side...I already have a standing reservation there...uh, huh...hope to see you there."
