
"Its not so much the worry that they have a cell that would hold two specific mutates. I worry that they have a cell that could hold 'anything'. Even then, a decent cell could easily be aguemented by ambient lighting (for our friend here) or a shot of tranqualisers for anyone else. When something is heat proof it cant be too hard to make it electrity proof and ice proof too.

I admire your optimism that they wont be that stupid. Nothing says reasonable thinking like "Hey! We brought you a super powered serial killer! He tried to kill you before, remember? Yeah, we have been keeping an eye on him. He is in this patch of shadow... I think. Little rascal might have got loose again."

Still, I always prefer to have an idea of what to do than think on my feet. Well, I guess I wont think on my feet so much now that I am airborne so much of the time"

Nosferatu grins, reveling in the pun delivered with the elegance and grace of a drunken hippo on ice. Things are not nearly as entertaining is everyone is serious all the time.