The Chief smirks at Hara, "I don't suppose since you wore those headbands coming inside, you encountered any difficulties on your way here because of them? No little girl, there shouldn't be any problem with were you've come from. People will recognize you as ninja, and anything after that would be a lucky guess."

"As for our Stone Ninja, do not worry about them. They have their own similar tasks with us to worry about, and should stay out of your way while you're here. Now, if you'll wait a moment for me, I'll go fetch a few copies of our suspects photographs and descriptions."

It takes only a few minutes for the Yamada to return with a thin folder which he passes to Daichi, who in turn passes it over to the three of you for a look after he takes a quick glance. There are no more than four suspects in the folder, two of which have check marks next to their photographs. Ignoring those two, the remaining suspects do not seem very interesting; One a short, brown haired man named Miamoto Ren with strong ties to local gangs, who is noted as being 'too stupid for anything more than petty theft, and too weak to carry out harm to others without the greatest luck.' The second, a tall, thin, dark haired man with a clear sunburn at the time of the photograph named Koga Nobu, but called Noburun among his associates. He is marked as ' Completely lazy, and having no ambitions what-so-ever. He posses only slightly more intelligence than the average thug in that he is actually capable of stealing what he needs to get by, and then stops at only that.'

Behind the profiles lies the descriptions of the thieves, though they are not too helpful. All of them were dressed in black, had their faces concealed, and said little if nothing. The first two were average to tall in height, and thin in build, while the third was short, but also thin. It is mentioned that the short one, when tripping while running away, had the vocal qualities of a 'small house dog that had been fed nothing but sugar for the past month'.

"You can go ahead and keep that file," mentions the Chief, "and for now, if there are no more questions, you can wait here until we need your services."