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Thread: A Solar War

  1. - Top - End - #35
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Re: A Solar War


    "Yes Sir, yes Ma'am." Deici picks up her card and the baggage and makes her way to the lift entry soonish... after fishing up five prepared bags of snacks, water bottles and chocolate oat biscuits in a duffel bag from under her bunk. Never hurt to be friendly to your new companions on whom you would depend, especially when they would sometimes be forced to nestle in a mecha bay for hours before launch or even to reside within the vehicle itself.
    A lot of pilots got dehydrated from stressing out in the cockpit.
    She takes a seat in the waiting area by the lift entrance, imagining the looks and behavior of her new friends.

    The LCom mentioned some baggage. Was he referring to free l00tz and eats or whatever she was carrying? Also, does Deici know which launch bay her team is designated to?

    Last edited by Moechi_Vill; 2007-12-14 at 09:28 PM.