
Krashnix snorts at Orin condescendingly

Are you so short sighted that you cannot see past the end of your own nose? What is going on in this region is meaningless when campared to the plans of the Gods, even the goings on of this world. The petty squablings of some mages are nothing if the prophecies of the oracles come to pass. There is one comming whos power is unfathomable. Whos power dwarfs that that Gothul once had. The Archmages shall be swept aside with the ease that a cat plays with a mouse. Only the Elder Gods shall have the power to stop such a fiend, and they may not wish to. You see Akim, you, your troubles, the troubles about the people you make speeches about wanteing to save and even the troubles of this entire region, just do not matter.

Krashnix stands up and moves towards the tent

I am going to convene with my goddess. Wake me when it is my turn to take watch.