[[Was it? I'll have to go back and take a look. I think it's been Andrew.]]

Andrew/Vox Populi

"Gentlemen, I've always had Rainport's interests at my heart," Sellars says, looking around the table. "I may not be able to fly, or breathe fire, or any of that sort of thing, but I love this city. I'd like to be...not so much a tactical leader as a go-between...that protective shell of plausible deniability we all love so much." Sellars folds his hands and looks around the table. "If you would have me, I would prefer to use some kind of...false identity, of course. And this would have to be somewhat...under the table."


Andrew is going to try to get himself appointed to assemble the team, and if the guys at the meeting won't take him, he'll try and use telepathy or his charismatic aura to persuade 'em.

Diplomacy roll, if you want it: