As he tended the man's arm Jeff tried his hardest to remain in a stable position, using his legs to brace himself against the ceiling. As the cabin continued to ascend he could feel the strain on his body steadily increase.

Using the supplies from his kit, he continued to work on the man's arm, attempting to create a makeshift splint with the available materials.

Don't worry sir, your going to be alright. If you could hold your arm like this, it'd help me get you patched up a little faster he said while demonstrating how to hold the arm.

As he worked, he cautiously looked about the room. Things were going from bad to worse, and for some reason it felt like there wasn't much time left. While he was looking about, he paid additional attention to the man who'd been speaking gibberish. Chances were he would need to tend to him next.


Not sure if the kit would come with bandages and the like. Here's a few rolls for while he works.

BOD Roll - (1d10+5)[10]: Wasn't sure if it'd be needed to maintain footing.
First Aid - (1d10+9)[15]: Create Makeshift Splint or Create Splint, depending on materials.
Awareness - (1d10+11)[18]: General. Look about the room, try to notice anything out of place.
Awareness - (1d10+11)[17]: Specific attention towards the man who was having a psychological breakdown. Discover his current state and whether it's real or fake.