
Sauntering over to the first mate who had dared question his knowledge of the seas, Dorian takes a deep breath:
Aye laddie, you best be tipping yer peg-ear starberd and be listenin' to me! Me grandfather was born onna crestin' wave, me father was born onna tsunami, and I was born onna bloody TYPHOON! I'm part sahuagin and under this beard I've got gills, and if ya believe that then I've got a plank I want ya to see the end of! Sea-farin' experience, I'll just let ye know, if at any time durin' our voyage ye get a wee bit seasick, Cooper can take over fer ya, and he'll do a better job ye scurvy dog-son of a bilgerat!

Puffing out his chest and swaggering back over to stand between Marcus and Tulek, Dorian leans over to whisper in the death priest's ear.
Never been asea a day in me life, this should be fun...