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Thread: A Solar War

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Kioran's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Bundeskaff Bonn, Germany

    Default Re: A Solar War

    Cabin, 08:37

    Suddenly, you all were slammed into the ceiling with tremendous force. Breathing became laborous.....Red encroaches onto your field of vision....

    They are now, in an effort to bring you in faster, decelerating at 5G. Everyone make a roll to stay conscious, based on BOD, TN 15. The TN is lowered to 10 if you took the acceleration drugs.


    The entire station lurched under your feet, rattled from a hit a like a giantīs fist. The light began to flicker. "Mines. Figures." the corporal muttered.....suddenly drifting in the open because gravity had set out. The two technicians near the lift were now positively panicking, looking at some dial, and hastily finicking with some piece of machinery.

    Alarms began to blare. "Alert. we have intruders on this deck. Warning, intruders on this deck. I repeat, we have Intruders on this deck". The Floating corporal was cursing and swearing under his breath, floating in midair, and unslung his pistol, aiming at the ceiling, and firing.
    The shot rang out through the bay, but the recoil put him back in the direction of the floor. Weapons become unslung around you, but as of yet, you can detect no boarders around.....
    Last edited by Kioran; 2007-12-17 at 08:12 PM.
    Also, thanks to Wayril for the nice Avatar!

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