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Thread: Adventurers' Guild Team Badger IC

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    Orc in the Playground
    Thymin's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Adventurers' Guild Team Badger IC

    Dravick (Human/Bard):

    I am not a native of this city, replies Dravick to Aulric's question but I have spent enough years now to call this city my home. I was raised in the western frontier but the call of the city and civilization brought me here several years ago. This city is quite large, yet there are few parts that I have not wandered at least once. I will likely consider this city my home for the rest of my days, yet I do feel the urge to go out into the wilderness again and live some adventures.

    As he continues to follow the group to the Adventurer's Guild hall, Dravick listens to the conversation between the bald cleric and the pathfinder. His first guess seems to have been correct, these people would have many stories to share.
    Last edited by Thymin; 2007-12-18 at 11:08 PM.