Skyhook, 08:38

With an unveiled expression of relief, the two technicians lept free of the lift, while a red light was flashing above it´s control panel. Most of the petty officers had drawn their weapons, waiting for the shoe to drop, and thus paid little attention to the lift cabin rapidly approaching the cradle, braking all the while....

Lift Cabin

The Tachometer on the wall still showed a speed in excess of 4 mach. The station was out there somewhere - and it was rapidly coming closer even while your hand reached out for the first of the cargo straps. Your body felt sluggish under all the weight, and you were having trouble doing more than taking a hold of the strap, while all the while, people in the cabin looked on with impotence, frustration or despair....
When motion finally comes, you´re as surpirsed as the rest - it felt like solidly hitting a brick wall, and you were immediately thrown clear of the ceiling, feeling like you were falling - yet hanging in place, only lazily and slowly drifting towards the ground. The other Floater women comes up and peered into your face, asking: "Can you move?"

Skyhook, 08:39
With a sudden, reverberating noise, like a hammer hitting an anvil, the cabin hit the emergency cradle. A crown of shock-resorbent foam had formed around the lift`s head, deformed by the impact, with chunks flying around the bay in the weightlessness, even while the doors opened, and crewmen and NCO´s were surging forward.

"This is lift control. We have several casualties on board. Corporal Steckler is hereby instructed to dissassemble his squad and instead organize the evacuation of wounded or psychologically unfit personel to the nearest infirmary."

One of the Corporals cursed, immediately barking orders to those inside the lift......

No, you´re not out - those of you who lost consciousness will regain it - not immediately, but after my next post. Those who are still conscious may decide freely what to do or say - I will clarfiy this in the OOC-Thread