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Thread: Bastion of Broken Souls [IC]

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    Rachel Lorelei's Avatar

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    Jun 2007
    The Rhine

    Default Re: Bastion of Broken Souls [IC]

    "And should your mysterious master gain power, Nurn, do you mean that things won't go ill for many others? I'd lay money on the fact that you're no altruist, and you don't serve one, either. I'm not ready to sign you up just yet. You look human, but you aren't--I can tell. Time to put some cards on the table. What are you?"

    Sharra turns, looking distracted--perhaps she's divining, or searching her memory--and casts a long, piercing gaze at Nurn as she talks. Then she turns to Naomi.
    "I just know it was teleporting in next to you. Doesn't mean it's you for sure, but it's more likely than not. How much d'you know about your ancestry? Any druids in the line? Well, we'll find out tonight; I'll work some more divinations. I think we want to go after the Cathezar, too, once I find out where it went. How about the rest of you? It wasn't necessarily your fight, it doesn't have to be now. But I'll tell you this: children are being born, more and more, without souls... and that concerns everyone. Especially since the gods themselves are prohibited from dealing with souls before they come into the world.
    "--Tiatiae. Some healing, if you would--someone managed to clip me with that chandelier."

    (Sharra's down 21 HP from the chandelier, I think.)
    Last edited by Rachel Lorelei; 2008-01-06 at 07:05 AM.