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Thread: Adventurers' Guild Headquarters IC

  1. - Top - End - #206
    Orc in the Playground
    souldoubt's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    not in your backyard.

    Default Ulysses Valeris, Human Knight

    "I'm trying to restore order here," Ulysses says in response to the blond woman's challenging tone. Seeing everyone very on edge, he removes his hand from his swordhilt. This could go a bad way if I'm not careful. I don't want to fight this wizard or his companions if it turns out he was in the right. Kneeling down by the fallen "thief," he feels for a pulse. Well, at least the wizard's attack doesn't seem to have been lethal.

    "My name is Ulysses Valeris, and I'm no spy," Ulysses replies as he straigtens up, bristling at the accusation. He glances down at the the prone form again. "I cannot speak for this unfortunate fellow.... Perhaps... his hands should be bound...?" Ulysses would prefer if the wizard's hands were bound too, but in this company it looks like he wouldn't get away with suggesting that.

    "When he comes around, I imagine you'll both have to answer to the guildmaster to explain this incident." He eyes the wizard pointedly. "That is, assuming you're done attacking guildmembers for the day."

    I hope that Ulysses rushing forward into a situation he didn't comprehend was sufficient for roleplaying a 9 Wis. I think any further stupidity that might get him into a fight with the rest of the guild would drop him into the 6-7 bracket.

    As to newbies not drinking enough beer, a knight does not indulge in such a vice.
    Last edited by souldoubt; 2008-01-06 at 11:06 AM.
    Setting: The Chimeric City

    Thanks to Sneak for the Calvin avatar, as well as the Pandaren:
    Fear the Panda-Fu!