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Thread: Request an OotS Style Avatar XV

  1. - Top - End - #6829
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Zarrexaij's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Stillwater, Oklahoma

    Default Re: Request an OotS Style Avatar XV

    Will someone please make me a new avatar? It's not crucial that someone do this but it would be mucho appreciated!

    If it's too specific and can't be done or something I apologize

    Name: Authriinbala
    Gender: Male
    Equipment: Red studded leather armor with a black cape
    Notable features: Bright red eyes, golden (NOT metallic) skin, scales on brow area and chin, black claws, wings color of the skin, black horns on forehead above eyes and brows, elven ears, NO tail
    Hair color: Very bright auburn, shaven close to skull except for two braids by the ears
    Race: Half-elf half-dragon (a little demi-humanoid for most half-dragons) once-mortal lesser deity
    Class: Lesser deity/sorceror
    Pose you would like your avatar to be in: Grinning evilly, facing forward, casting a spell (purple) with both hands
    Last edited by Zarrexaij; 2008-01-15 at 08:22 PM.

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    For all we've done
    And all we ever were
    Just zeros and ones